Monday, January 7, 2013

Script Dr Eric Needs Your Music

As some of you who have tried to email me know, I'm not taking any music submissions right now.

But Script Dr. Eric, is.

Script Doctor Eric and TV Wet Nurse Matt had a long-running podcast (Scriptcast) that recently went off the air...

Or is it off the  I'm not sure the correct terminology.

And while it was a screenwriting podcast, they did play unsigned music nearly every episode.

And I have it by good authority (rumors) that the podcast will soon be up and running once more, airing an episode a month.

So, if you have a song you'd like played on a podcast that probably gets around a thousand downloads per episode (again, rumors), don't sent it to me, send it to Script Dr. Eric.  He can be reached at:

Alright, an unsigned album review is coming soon!  Bet you didn't see that coming!

2013 FTW!

-DJ Octoon

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