After graduating, I've been thinking a lot about how to incorporate my love for unsigned music and my new lifestyle.
What is my new lifestyle? Marketing!
Which makes sense of you think about it. It's essentially what I was doing when I was DJ Octoon promoting "I'm in a Band" at UCLA Radio (2006-2011) and UCLA Radio in general.
So...back to the plan!
The plan: Set up a studio in a garage, and have live performances and interviews once again.
I now have a garage. Phase 1 is complete.
Garage has been renovated! Phase 2 is complete!
Should have something by the end of 2013* (Ha! Revised - End of 2015 is the goal!!)
In the meantime, I want to profile more unsigned artists.
Perhaps I'll set up a PO box where unsigned artists can send material.
Or perhaps I'll have a contest, where unsigned artists send me their best MP3, and the winner gets free swag.
Or maybe I'll just look around myself.
I should really probably (really probably!) start by checking in with so many of the great artists that came on my show. Here's two:
Clare Means - Such a great unsigned artist out here in LA! Catch her on 3rd street promenade, or just go to her website -
And then there's every nerd's secret crush, Jane Lui, who just keeps getting more and more popular! Check out her website -
Go Jane!
Can't wait to have these great musicians back on the show when it's up an running. As well as so many others who were on the show.
-DJ Octoon
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